By Loren Lindler
Pee-kahn? Pee-can? Pick-ahn? No matter how you say it, we can all agree Georgia pecans are the perfect little treat. But, it's National Pecan Month, and we are excited to be celebrating in rural Georgia!
Did you know Georgia is the second-largest producer of pecans in the United States? In fact, in 2019, Georgia pecans had a farm gate value of over $263 million. They are primarily grown in:
Peach County
Dougherty County
Macon County
Mitchell County
Houston County
Crisp County
Thomas County
Crawford County
Calhoun County
Dooly County
An average pecan harvest in Georgia is about 88 million pounds - enough to make 176 million pecan pies, which is great news for the state of Georgia because nothing beats a good pecan pie.
These nuts are often referred to as "nutrition in a nutshell" because they're full of vitamins and minerals. Pecans are also a natural, high-quality source of protein with very few carbohydrates and no cholesterol.
To learn more about Georgia's pecan industry, check out the Georgia Pecan Growers Association and UGA Extension.