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January 2019 Recap

Updated: Sep 22, 2020

By Mary Catherine Gaston

Georgia's Rural Center hit the ground running in January and began our first full year of operation with a productive month. Here are some highlights from what we were able to accomplish in the first five weeks of 2019:

· The Rural Center kicked off our first ever rural Georgia photo contest and, to date, have received more than 300 entries. Submissions will be accepted through Feb. 8. Read more here.

· We launched our blog and have been posting frequently about our work and issues of significance to rural Georgians. This Q&A with Rep. Terry England, co-chair of the House Rural Development Council, offers an insider's perspective on the current legislative session.

· An opinion piece by our interim director, Dr. David Bridges, appeared in print and web publications throughout the state, urging rural Georgians to reach out to their legislators and other state leaders during the 2019 legislative session in support of legislation that will lead to positive change in rural Georgia.

· Our rural events calendar is live on our homepage. Our aim is to make this the best place to find info on what's happening in rural Georgia. Submit your upcoming rural event here, and we will review it and contact you if we need more details before adding it to the calendar.

· With renovations complete, we moved into our permanent home in Gaines Hall on the campus of Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College.

· ABAC Connect, our online career and internship placement portal, went live on our website. The tool connects students seeking employment with employers looking to hire.

There's much more happening behind the scenes of the Rural Center as we work to remind all Georgians of the significance of the state's rural places and people and to improve life throughout the state. Stay tuned to our blog and Facebook for more news.


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