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Tips and tricks for getting back to learning in the face of COVID-19

Updated: Sep 22, 2020

By Loren Lindler

We can all agree this school year will be very different compared to years past. Back to school shopping will certainly look different, as well as the supply list. Whether your family is going back to face-to-face instruction, online learning, or homeschooling, we wanted to share a few tips and tricks from our team and Facebook followers.

We understand each of you are making the best decision for your family so we have compiled a list that can be used for both in-person and distance learning.

1. Fun masks can make for fun learning

“Going back to school in person is what works best for our family. So, we have been busy ordering book bags, clothes, and fun masks to wear. Praying for a smooth transition into an unpredictable school year!”

– Bridgett Mobley, Georgia’s Rural Center staff

“I am just ecstatic that our boys will be returning to college in a couple of weeks! Our older son will graduate from ABAC this year. I bought them both some nice masks, and it seems like the colleges have been working tirelessly to ensure everyone's safety. I am feeling good about it.”

- Rachel Smith, Facebook follower

2. Get back into a routine

“Whether going back into the classroom or learning from home, it’s always helpful to have a routine. If you’re a teacher in the classroom, or if you’ll be teaching your kids from home, it would be nice to start your day at the same time, take breaks, or even eat lunch at the same time. This ensures that all schoolwork for the day will be completed in a timely manner.”

– Loren Lindler, Georgia’s Rural Center staff

3. Time management

“Help your kids understand the expectations and schedule, whether they are going back into the classroom or learning from home. This helps them take responsibility for being prepared for the day and applying time management. There’s nothing like the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day!”

– Janet Cochran, Georgia’s Rural Center staff

4. Communication is key

“Remember to communicate with those around you. Through moving to online classes and a work from home environment, I have found that it can be extremely easy to slack off on communicating with my professors, employers, and coworkers. Communicating honestly about your worries, goals, expectations, and needs is very important when it comes to getting ready to go back to school. Most people are experiencing high stress about sending their family members back to school, so we all need to remember to do our best to communicate with our teachers, coworkers, and family members to ensure that we are all getting the help and encouragement that we need during this time.”

– Laura Lee Williams, University of Georgia graduate student, Facebook follower

5. Grace upon grace

“Grace upon grace. There is nothing normal about this year. Give grace to your child, teachers, administration...YOURSELF. No one has bad intentions here with these unprecedented times."

- Stacy Flemming, Facebook follower


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